Le Nere Lame is a psycho-educational project aimed at adolescents and young adults (from 14 years of age) that uses the tool of Role Playing Game (RPG) Tabletop and Live Online (LARP) with a Tolkienian setting. it was born within LabGDR as a proposal oriented to the empowerment of the individual, the promotion of well-being and socialization processes, with the aim of including the taking care of specific clinical conditions. It is aimed at young people residing in the municipality of Rome, the city in which the project is carried out in its live phases
The project, carried out by an experienced psychotherapist and specially trained collaborators, aims to foster processes of personal growth and social adaptation as well as the inclusion of individuals at risk/mental illness, using an innovative and engaging methodology.
The proposed course pays attention to both group and individual dimensions, offering each participant, through individual interviews with the psychologist, the setting of gradual and personalized goals that are verifiable over the course of each year.
Our goals
- Stimulation of creative and imaginative processes;
- Increased problem solving and coping skills needed to overcome stressful situations;
- Development of Theory of Mind (ToM) skills;
- Acquisition of new autonomy and sense of self-efficacy
- Achieve a higher degree of awareness and self-monitoring skills;
- Stimulation of reflective and metacognitive skills on emotions, identity, and value systems (personal and social of origin and the Tolkien one);
- Strengthening social skills and promoting collaborative behavior;
- Promoting social adaptation and building friendship ties.
Project years
People who attended the last year-end live show on July 4, 2021
Parents would repeat the experience
Sign up
If you would like to reserve a place at our tables, please fill out the form below!
The Black Blades
Via Circonvallazione Nomentana 402, 00162 Rome
Tel Whatsapp +44 7553 621761
Some of the entities we have collaborated with
Il Salotto di Giano, Battle For Vilegis, Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani, NeedGames, Serpentarium, CuoreMenteLab, Abbracciami Onlus, La Civetta 365, LuccaComics educational seminars, Progetto Pioneer, Unicredit, Scuola Romana Fumetti Roma