LabGDR ASD APS has the mission to support young adults in developing social skills such as empathy and metacognition. With great pride, we have been invited to partner with the European Erasmus+ project “EuLabRPG: EUropean LABoratories of Role-Play Gaming to promote school social and emotional culture” (Project Reference: 2023-1-IE01-KA220-SCH-000158117).

Within the project, LabGDR ASD APS is responsible for WP3, consisting of:
a. WP3_A1 – Design training environment :
LabGDR ASD APS supported the Subcontractor JanoStudio in developing and creating the Table-Top Role-Play Game (TTRPG) rulebook and drafts of TTRPG adventures. The LabGDR ASD APS team supported JanoStudio in producing the rulebook and the dramas of adventure in line with the educational objectives of the EuLabRPG project, and that integrated the educational approach of the LabGDR method ©.

b. WP3_A2 – WP3_A2: Scenarios development:
LabGDR ASD APS created, organized and managed the LTTA in Italy, where the partners met to achieve the following objectives:
To know what Role Play and Table Top Role Play Game (TTRPG) are.
i. Understand why LabGDR ASD APS chose TTRPG as an educational tool.
ii. Know the LabGDR methodology.
iii. Create game scenarios that will be used during the online training in February 2025. The partners successfully produced
the game scenarios during a workshop held during LTTA, which can be consulted in the following folder of the EuLabRPG
website: LTTA-WP3 – A3/ Creation of new TTRPG scenario x 2.

The partner Consorzio Ro.Ma contributed to the creation of the LTTA by providing support when necessary.

LabGDR ASD APS coordinated with the Subcontractor to support the EuLabRPG partners in creating scenarios during the
LTTA in Italy. LabGDR ASD APS also collected feedback on the rulebook and input for the scenarios and forwarded them
to the Subcontractor.

LabGDR ASD APS is lucky to have found the best partners for the EuLabRPG project. Every team member was keen to listen to any suggestions we gave during the management of WP3 with an #openmind, the will to go outside of their #confortzone, and a #deep passion for supporting young people to achieve social skills that could potentially change their lives.