RPG is used in the field of education and training when aimed at promoting the learning of specific behavioral rules or verifying the presence of certain characteristics required by a specific professional role, as is the case in the corporate sector.

In fact, in this context, it is possible to use the RPG both as a test and tool for personnel selection and as a team building and staff training tool.

When used for personnel selection, the GDR will feature scenes similar to those of the required job role, and the goal will be to learn about and assess the skills required by the role in question. RPGs, in this case, may be more structured and prescriptive in nature, when the learning concerns an interactive role for which fairly predefined and rigid guidelines are provided; or unstructured, when instead aimed at probing the more personal and subjective aspects of role interpretations and facilitating the emergence of symbolic and affective dimensions.

The bottom line


The strength of the application of the LabGDR Method and its specific methodologies lies in their flexibility and implementation of easily accessible and manageable training and feedback methodologies. Such systems, in fact, can be used to support traditional soft skill training and assessment methodologies, be adopted by a wide range of professionals, within formal and nonformal settings, for multiple training purposes, facilitate learning experiences and the development of social-relational skills, improve processes of self-awareness and confidence and the quality of personal and professional life, and, finally, promote organizational effectiveness and efficiency.


In 2021, the LabGDR Team collaborated with one of the world’s leading multinational engineering companies, where the goal was to maximize the company’s remote Candidate Experience, through the use of Gamification. The idea was to propose Digital Assessment, through online tabletop RPG: thanks to the scientific documentation reported in the book “LabGDR Method,” for which we verified that RPG allows to observe and analyze a person’s soft skills, candidates, through the Roll20 platform, played under the eyes of the recruiters, who could investigate their preferred areas and see if they met the company’s requirements.
Similarly, the Method is useful for both programs related to Staff Development and Training.

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Via Circonvallazione Nomentana 402, 00162 Rome

Tel Whatsapp +44 7553 621761


Some of the entities we have collaborated with

Il Salotto di Giano, Battle For Vilegis, Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani, NeedGames, Serpentarium, CuoreMenteLab, Abbracciami Onlus, La Civetta 365, LuccaComics educational seminars, Progetto Pioneer, Unicredit, Scuola Romana Fumetti Roma

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